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Type Conversion


to_time(time_string [, default_time_zone] [,defaultValue]) to convert the string to a datetime64 value

For example to_time('1/2/22') or to_time('1/2/22','America/New_York')

Some of the common time zones are:

  • UTC: same as GMT(Greenwich Mean Time)
  • EST: US Eastern Time
  • MST: US Mountain Time
  • PST8PDT: US Pacific Time
  • America/New_York: same as EST
  • America/Los_Angeles: same as PST8PDT
  • America/Vancouver: same as PST8PDT
  • Asia/Shanghai: same as PRC

For the full list of possible time zones, please check the "TZ database name" column in the wikipedia page.

You can also convert the time between time zones via to_timezone


to_int(string) Convert a string to an integer.


to_float(string) Convert a string to a float number, e.g. to_float('3.1415926')


to_decimal(number_or_string, scale)

For example to_decimal('3.1415926',2) to get 3.14


Convert any data type to a string, so that you can do other string operations, such as concat


Convert the value to a bool type. e.g. select to_bool(1), to_bool(true),to_bool(True),to_bool('true') all return true. Please note you cannot run to_bool('True')


Convert an input value to the specified data type. Three syntax variants are supported:

  • cast(x, T)
  • cast(x as t)
  • x::t


  • x — A value to convert. Can be of any type.
  • T — The name of the target data type. String.
  • t — The target data type

For example

cast('1', 'integer'),
cast('1' as integer),
cast(3.1415, 'decimal(3, 2)'),


to_type_name(x) to show the type name of the argument x. This is mainly for troubleshooting purposes to understand the date type for a function call.